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It is increasingly clear that the 2008/2009 downturn was fundamentally different from recessions of recent decades and we have seen not merely another turn of the business cycle, but a restructuring of the economic order.  The days of rapid economic expansion as seen in the industrial age is over. For some organizations, near-term survival was the only agenda item.  Since then a lot of water has flown under the bridge and we are in “The Age of Adaptation”. An age of slower expansion.

In this age of adaptation every industry every practice and every standard will have to be adapted and new thinking, new process, new methodology; new deliverable, new expectation will result in every industry being re-invented – Business reinvention is not an option neither is Business as usual. It is time when we will have to adopt a new framework of realistic solutions that promote shared prosperity within the digital global economy of today and tomorrow.

The new urgency in our digital economy of today – an expectation is fuelled by the environment of the survival of the fittest wherein companies have to be lean, agile and nimble to get their products and services in the shortest time to market. Our interconnected world is fundamentally reshaping who we are – our habits, interests, and worldviews. Today is the time when human imagination and innovation, not capital or natural resources are driving economic growth.

There is an opportunity for business service providers to improve systems, strategies. This opportunity requires a Changed Thinking that leads to a Changed Outcome.

At Optum+ we talk about this internally and with our clients and partners in the AEC industry as well as EPCM service providers. In this age of adaptation we have to realize that the metrics that made project delivery in the bygone days are no more relevant. This does not mean the old adage of delivery - On Time; On Budget and On Schedule is no more relevant. The triple constraint is expected as part of the project delivery – good quality is expected it is not something that will be differentiator from others providing the same services.   

In contrast to theIndustrial age where projects generally would be long drawn andbudget mutating the projects in our digital economy requires us – service providers to be lean; agile and nimble enabling our clients to get their products and services in the shortest time to market.

We need to partner on projects with our clients and not just mind the store. It is relevant we not lose sight of business processes and traditional PM tenets; tracking of schedules, milestones and systems of efficiency; professional & technical excellence; regulatory & compliance requirements. We need to be cognizant that business around us are changing especially our clients and we do not just manage the project but advise and recommend proven delivery methods and solutions to become an important partner in the project delivery experience.

Partner and enhance the client experience and let the client focus on your core business and not worry about managing the managers of the project. It is not about pushing paper or meeting an associations process but about partnering with the client to build deeper relationship by having  a clear vision of the project delivery:

Understand the business drivers behind the project

Identifying the project objectives and meet it

Navigate it through the life-cycle of the project

Share in the inherent risks & in the potential rewards

Assist the client to stay competitive.

The only true success in project delivery is in our clients’ success. We deliberately stubborn to be client / customer focused and adapt new methodology to create sustainable value by enhancing client experience & Innovating the Project Delivery. Partnering is key to business – service providers being relevant in the digital economy we work and play. Slower growth in the age of adaptation will require an new urgency wherein companies have to transform their project delivery through partnering and thus change their business to stay relevant in the digital economy.