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Customer Experience

Are you making Customer Experience as an the differentiator?

Are you making Customer Experience as an the differentiator?

The integration of digital into organisations; corporations; government; associations will continue relentlessly as leaders remove the barriers that are keeping them from maximizing the potential impact of new digital technologies driving growth in a connected world though an “enhanced customer experience".

The success of implementing a customer /client/ user experience is linking the customer experience to value - value created by an customer experience.

User / customer / client experience is not just limited to the digital or retail environment, it extends to every aspect of every business that exist today and its survival depends on deliver an user / customer / client experience.

Enhancing Client Experience

Enhancing Client Experience

An enhanced customer experience, the result of a designed customer journey will be the differentiator from other providing similar project service. Designing a customer experience in projects require us to transform the way we “engage our clients” and transforming the way we “engage our teams”.

Are our projects making our clients successful? Are we making them competitive; are we enabling them to get their products & services in time to market while they focus in their core business and strengths? These are some questions we need to ask ourselves and our team.

Firms that do not change to meet the expectation of the customers and clients of the digital age in a slow growth economy will find themselves disrupted.  It will only be a matter of time. As Brian Solis states: “There will be an Uber for every industry”

Leadership is that “little extra” in Project Management

Leadership is that “little extra” in Project Management

Leadership in projects management is having a mature understanding of the project intent and the business objective of the project and having a clear picture of the project and owing the customer/clients issue Key to project leadership is flexibility in project delivery reacting swiftly to a rapid changing landscape and providing the client an enhanced project management – customer experience.

The difference between ordinary & extraordinary is just that little “extra”- little extra is Leadership which turns project management service into providing customer-centric personalized project management experience.

Leadership is that “little extra” in Project Management. What is your opinion on this? I would like to hear from you.

Are we not humans, so be humane?

Are we not humans, so be humane?

To have an refining effect on team members is to recognize the difference in gender, race, generation, culture, education, values, and economic background and rising above it and recognizing that we are human and we have an obligation to be humane to one another.


Partnering vs Minding the Store

Partnering vs Minding the Store

The only true success in project delivery is in our clients’ success. We deliberately stubborn to be client / customer focused and adapt new methodology to create sustainable value by enhancing client experience & Innovating the Project Delivery. Partnering is key to business – service providers being relevant in the digital economy we work and play. Slower growth in the age of adaptation will require an new urgency wherein companies have to transform their project delivery through partnering and thus change their business to stay relevant in the digital economy.

Turning customer experience on its head

Turning customer experience on its head

Turn client experience on its head through a combination of Engage + Transform + Create in solving project complexity; find and fill unmet customer needs, plan for profitability, strive for sustainability, establish credibility knowing that the nature of competition has changed; renew the focus on the customer and the human side of business through digital transformation and the competitive advantage resides in the minds of our clients while becoming a trusted partner to clients by addressing “Customer’s point of thirst” (expectations) and removing “Customer Pain” (roadblocks).