The 21st Century has initiated a change in our economy that is far removed from the one that existed during the turn of the last century. Tools in business have changed from pen to computer; to mobile devices and the associated enhanced communication through ubiquitous connectivity affecting the way we work we play and the way we live our lives.

We are living and working in an era which are adapting to the rapid advancement of technology and wherein new business models are being introduced and business disruption is the new normal and society has brought in focus the “Customer Experience” where the way we interact with our customers, our clients is undergoing massive change.

This change in focus of the “Customer Experience is taking root in a global environment where, it is reported that, 70% of the companies on the Fortune 1000 list 10 years ago have vanished and in an environment where no business is too big to fail or too small to succeed, where technology and society are growing at a faster pace than organisation and corporation can catch up.

In this business environment where our age old assumptions are no more relevant and the metrics of success are being redefined and where the clarity of words we use to discuss business, standbys like marketplace and competitive advantage, are redefined and rendered almost meaningless, makes the age old maxim “Our reputation with a client is only as good as the last project” all the more important.

In my 30 + years in the AEC industry what our clients remember at the end of the projects is “Their experience with the project delivery”. No doubt good design and engineering together with professional project management add to the experience but the client’s view of our project is based on his expectation which in turn are based on his business objective.

It is to be noted that in this digital globalized economy that we are in, client drivers are different from the drivers of an Industrial Economy. Experience innovation is a key and crucial component of Design, Engineering & Construction for AEC companies seeking to remain relevant and retain customer loyalty. Enhancing client experience though innovation in the project delivery will create sustainable value to be experienced through all levels of project outcome.

The sustainable value can be created only through disrupting the traditional industry practice of project delivery by changing our thinking to determine a changed outcome. A changed outcome requires a mindset to respond to the changing industry context of the client’s industry with new ideas not only in the delivery of Design, Engineering and Construction elements itself, but transforming how clients are engaged.

Project experiences can be enhanced by speaking their language of “Business” creating customized project delivery experiences which assist clients to stay competitive & enabling  them to be “first to market” in the shortest time in their specific industry segment. Addressing many of the client drivers of their specific industry segment is achieved by envisioning a new methodology for each construction elements & creating new possibilities of delivery within those systems in a controlled & accountable ecosystem to meet the outcome.

A shifting of our mindset to disrupt our traditional process, and rebelliously discard old business clichés and remake the market landscape for Design, Engineering & Construction by deliberately targeting situations where the competition is complacent and the customer has been consistently overlooked or under-served and greatly accelerate the way firms operate internally to keep pace with a rapidly changing world.

Meeting client’s expectation through an enhanced client experience is key to making AEC industry relevant in digital globalized economy.

What do you think? I would love to hear from you.